Saturday, January 8, 2011

Vancouver SEO Pyramid

I get this questions a lot Vancouver; "What exactly is all this SEO nonsense"?

Well, perhaps the best way to explain it, is to visually represent it. We'll refer back to this image a number of times in the next series of blogs covering Vancouver SEO step-by-step!

Basically, SEO or Search Engine Optimization, is a process.

Search Engines like Google, don't have the man/woman-power to look at every single of the billions of sites on the internet, make notes about them, and keep up with their changes. This is difficult enough to do just to keep up with your competitors pages. So Search Engines use a line of script called "Bots" or "Spiders" to crawl your site, index it's content to deliver to users who make searches.

SEO is the process of ensuring search engine Spiders, or Bots, are able to read and understand your site, and more importantly, that the results they index, is relevant to the Search Engine Users you wish to target.

Search Engine Optimization should not be confused with SEM or Search Engine Marketing, which contrary to popular belief is an entirely different process... but I digress, more on this later.

In this series we will discuss the SEO Process:

Step 2: Planning

Step 3: Product/Service

Step 4: Education

Step 5: Patience

Step 6: Design/Usability

Step 7: Keyword Research

Step 8: Analytics

Step 9: Tools

Step 10: Crawlability

Step 11: Content

Step 12: Links

Step 13: Social / Local Findability

Step 14: Reputation Management

Step 15: Trust

In our next blog: Commitment

Friday, January 7, 2011

Ainsley Muller Consulting Delivers Unique Solution

AMC was presented with a unique problem:

How does a company prove that their services are superior to the plethora of mediocre service providers in the same industry?

Add to that issue, that the business is not a traditional "bricks-n'-mortar" business and is solely online and has no in-person contact with their clients!

How do you build trust with clients you never meet?

This was the challenge presented to Ainsley Muller Consulting!

Well, tradition dictates that you should seek industry accreditations. But what if there aren't any?

After a detailed analysis, we determined that there really was NO relevant industry accreditation available, so, we created one.

Managing the process from branding to implementation. Incorporation through industry lobbying, AMC handled it all!

The result?

ROI off the charts!

This is one of the many ways Ainsley Muller Consulting works with your company to deliver tangible results to grow your business NOW.

How can we help you?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Contact Ainsley Muller Consulting

Ainsley Muller Consulting

e -

c - 604-366-4941

New Client - Dynamic Gutters

January 1, 2010:
Ainsley Muller Consulting Is Pleased To Announce A New Client - Dynamic Gutters Inc.

AMC will be:

> Optomizing Dynamic Gutters new site

> Building a Search Engine Optomization Plan through keyword targeted Blogging

> Marketing Dynamic Gutter's Website managing their Pay Per Click Campaign

> Providing monthly analytical reports, and more importantly, detailed action plan reports from analytics data.

If you would like AMC to do the same for your site, give us a shout:


Rate Our New Logo

Here it is, what do you think?

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